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Thursday, February 17, 2011

here`s a couple more old 3t interviews that i have found


TCC Interview (from the brotherhood days):j

3T on Family

TCC: Now, you've grown up with music haven't you?

3T: Yes.

TCC: Obviously because your family is so musical. Was that always the case that your career was gonna be in music?

TJ: No, not exactly. We love sports a lot, so we were gonna be baseball players. And Taryll wanted to be a garbage man!

TCC: Who wanted to be a garbage man? Did you? Why did you want to be a garbage man?

Taryll: The trucks, they're awesome!

TCC: One of my friends got run over by a garbage truck once actually, so she won't be very pleased about that!

Taryll: Well I wouldn't to that type of garbage man! I'd be the best!

TCC: Well maybe it will happen, maybe you can still be a garbage man and sing at the same time.

TJ: Yeah, we have dreams that we still have to fulfil so it's our time.

TCC: I read somewhere that the used to mime with brooms and mops.

TJ: Yeah, we did, we also used guitars and flashlights for spot lights.

TCC: So how old were you when you did that?

3T: Very young, very young.

TCC: And did you used to sort of perform to your families?

3T: Umm hum.

Taj: It was mainly for ourselves though because we had a mirror in front of us and we could pretend, like, we were an audience to ourselves! It was interesting. TCC: So has it helped, has if helped that when your on stage that you'd been in front of a mirror?

3T: Yeah.

TJ: We would video tape it instead.

TCC: And criticise yourself?

TJ: Yeah.

TCC: Did you always used to listen to Jackson music? What sort of music did you listen to? We listened to the majority of Jackson music we listened to everything, the Dooby Brothers, Temptations all the Mowtown greats. Lionel Richie, everybody.

TCC: And how did Micheal and Janet help you? Did they encourage you a lot?

????: Well the whole family helped us, the song writing, producing, singing, everything.

TCC: They're so talented I can't believe that I am sat in the same room as these people. But what about the Jackson name then? Why didn't you use that? Why did you call yourself 3T, obviously because you names begin with T.

T? We are not really Jacksons.

TCC: Your not?

Taj: No, its all a lie.

TCC: Oh dear, your intruders.

TJ: We're not Jacksons, we're not!!

TCC: Your not?

Taryll: Taj is really the only Jackson.

TCC: Oh really?

Taryll: TJ and I are only cousins.

TCC: Your lying to me aren't you?

TJ: Yep.

TCC: Don't do this to me, your just gonna throw me completely. So why didn't you use it? Was it because you wanted to start off on your own without anyone knowing?

TJ: I think so, I think we wanted a fair shot and to be judged on our own talent. but we knew the media would pick up on it.

TCC: They love it don't they.

TJ: Yeah, they do but, we didn't want to strive on and make them think that's the only reason why we are out there.

TCC: Does every body know now that you are related to the Jacksons?

TJ: Most people know, there are still people that are finding out. They say, 'is it true that you are related to the Jacksons?' or 'I just found out that you are related to the Jacksons'.

TCC: Really?

TJ: Yeah, because we are still touring all over the world.

TCC: Getting more and more popular by the second. Now because you have lived in a family that is obviously very famous do you think that's helped you cope with fame? Or is it still quite hard some times?

Taryll: I think it's prepared us a lot, we how to deal with the negative media. And we've been dealing with cameras our whole lives

TCC: Now Taj are you going to answer this one? He hasn't been able to get a word in edgeways! What would you say the differences between the British press and the American press are? The way that they cover you? Or are they both the same?

Taj: In terms of how they cover us?

TCC: Yeah and your family.

Taj: I think that they can be equally as vicious, but the tendency in America is that people believe the press, that's why it's worse, because people believe what they read in their papers in America. The British press: People know when it rubbish and when it's not rubbish. Or at least they give people the benefit of the doubt. Which is not the case in America.

TCC: So obviously they always cover you family. So how would you describe you family? If you were describing them to someone who didn't already know about them?

Taj: Our family has some of the hardest working people in the business. Definitely, perfectionists they try to set a standard for quality They are very strong.

TCC: Who is the strongest out of you lot?


TCC: You?!

TJ: Out of our whole family?

TCC: No, just out of you 3.

TJ: Are you talking about physical strength?

TCC: Yes.

TJ: He is (Pointing to Taj).

TCC: Are you?

Taj: Yes that's right and he's the youngest (pointing to TJ).

Taryll: Hang on, wait wait, time out. I don't know if he's the strongest he just knows how to do those things. (To Taj) Prince gracies not the strongest.

TJ: I'm sorry,You cannot supervice me You can't body sling me (To Taj).

Taryll: I don't thing he's the strongest I think he's like got these long shots.

Taj: TJ knows that truth.

TCC: He's the oldest that's why (Taj).

Taryll: But he doesn't look the strongest. You can lift more than he can (To TJ).

TCC: Maybe he doesn't look it Do you think you look the strongest then? (To TJ).

TJ: Oh yeah if you're going by looks. That's what I thought you were going by, that's why I said me earlier but he's the strongest.

TCC: I'm not going to get into this argument. Ok, Who had the biggest telling off when you were younger? Oh, they've all gone quiet now! Did you ever get told off for anything really bad.

TJ: Probably him (to Taryll).

TCC: Who's been in trouble the most.

Taj: Taryll, tell them the story about our cousin and the football that you kicked in through the window.

TCC: Ohh what's this one.

Taj: And you blamed it on our cousin.

Taryll: I didn't blame it on my cousin.

TJ: Yes he did.

TCC: Oh confessions now, go on tell me.

Taryll: I kicked a football through the window.

TCC: Did you how old were you.

Taryll: I was like six.

TCC: You were six?

Taryll: Yeah and I kicked it through my parents window.

TCC: Really.

Taryll: Yes I did and they thought..

TJ: ..And he lied.

Taryll: ..That my cousin did it.

TCC: And you lied.

Taryll: Wait, time out hold on, I didn't really lie because they blamed it on him, and I just took a sides, you know I just took a side and it was either me or him, and I just took sides.

TCC: And you had to protect yourself didn't you?

Taryll: They had some good reasons, you know how could he kick it he's so small, how could he break a window and it started to all make sense, you know, how could a little boy kick it through the window, and I started to believe that I didn't so it.

TCC: But what did your cousin do did they not..

Taryll: No He didn't do it, but they told me they were gonna take me to the fire station to take a lie test.

TCC: Oh did they, so they didn't believe you.

Taryll: And i gave in.

TCC: You gave in? I'm glad.

Taryll: So I learned never to tell a lie again, the hard way, I learned the hard way.

TCC: And in your family do you cook? Do you cook a lot?

Taryll: I'm the chef.

TCC: Are you?

TJ: No he's not a chef.

Taryll: I'm the chef, I'm the chef.

TJ: He cooks the most.

TCC: Do you? What's you favourite dish, if you had to cook what would you cook for a girl for a nice romantic meal?

TJ: Pancakes.

Taryll: I'd give you the pancake french toast special.

TJ: Oh no.

Taryll: With Nachos as the desert.

TJ: Good luck.

TCC: Oh really?

Taryll: It's good, you don't like 'em? Taj likes them, ask Taj.

TCC: Do you like them? (to Taj)

Taj: They're ok.

TCC: They're ok.

Taj: They're edible.

Taryll: Why are you lying.

Taj: .They're edible.

TCC: There edible,

Taj: Yes.

TCC: So do you think that he could woo a girl by cooking her that?

Taryll: Yes.

TJ: Not the way he cooks!

Taryll: Definitely definitely!

TCC: Oh dear, so don't go round to Taryll's for dinner!
3T on Love
TCC: What's the most romantic thing that you've ever done, each of you? Taj, your quite romantic aren't you? You are because I've read loads of things about how romantic you are.

Taj: Um........I like writing poetry I guess.

TCC: Yeah.

TJ: Ohhhhh.

Taj: Stop it.

TCC: So, you've written poetry and things like that?

Taj: Yeah, and things like that.

TJ: Oh, Taj.

TCC: What about you two here then? TJ? What have you done that's romantic?

TJ: I just sing..

TCC: You just sing?

TJ: ..yes, perform!

TCC: Do you? Perform! I won't ask any more about that I don't think!!!

TJ: I put on my costume and start the show!!

TCC: Right I don't think we'll talk about that!!!

TCC: What about you then (To Taryll).

Taryll: I write songs.

TCC: You write songs..So you've written songs for a girl before?

Taryll: Yeah and I paid TJ to sing them, while I have a romantic dinner!

TCC: Oh, with your nachos and pancakes! That's very good isn't it. What do you find, I know your not gonna want to answer this one, but what do you find is the biggest turn on with a girl, like what they look like, what they wear, that kind of thing w hat they do? What appeals to you most?.....(All point at Taj) Ok Taj? you got lumbered with that one.

Taj: Probably, sense of humour...

TCC: Sense of humour.

Taj: ..and just is she can have fun.

TJ: Yeah.

TCC: Yeah.

Taj: If she's boring then that's..

TCC: If she just sits there, so even if she stunningly beautiful, if she boring.

TJ; Yeah, if she boring that's no good. doesn't work.

Taj: You've gotta have fun.

TCC: Yeah. That is the most important thing after all. What about you biggest turn off?

Taj: Cigarettes

TJ: Cigarettes.

Taryll: Cigarettes.

TCC: Cigarettes. So no smoking. Now, have you got girl friends now?

Taryll: Not right now.

TCC: You haven't.

TJ; Uh uh.

TCC: Is it hard because you are touring?

All: Yeah it's hard yeah.

Taryll: Once this stops we hope to find someone, well at least I do.

TJ: I think we all will in time.

TCC: Yeah, it must be tough. I suppose that you just had to tell yourselves that you have to concentrate on your career.

TJ: Yeah, music is something that we have all wanted since we were kids, you know and this is the best time for us to do, you know make and impact and put 100% into it and once we do that then I think we're there.

TCC: It must be quite frustrating though, because this is also the time when you've got billions and billions of girls throwing themselves at you? And you can't do anything about it, I suppose can you? Would you date a fan?

Taryll: I don't think we are the type that likes girls who throw themselves at us.

TCC: No so you don't.

TJ: No.

Taj: We'd have to get to know them.

TCC: Yeah.

Taj: Talk to them, definitely.

TCC: Would you date a fan?

Taj: If we got to know them.

Taryll: Yeah.

Taj: Talk to them on a one on one level.

TCC: Because I suppose, you know that they might think that you are something that you are not because, they see you up there don't they? and they might get the wrong impression of you. although they wouldn't because they are gonna see you here chatti ng to me now. What is your ideal date scenario? Where would you take a girl?

Taj: Mac Donalds.

TCC: Mac donalds?!

Taj: that's for him.

Taryll: That's for TJ.

Taj: That's him.

Taj: Burger king! Um, Ideal date,a location or restaurant?

TCC: Location, what would you do? If you had a day out with a girl?

TJ: I would want in simple, I wouldn't want to spoil.....

TCC: You'd just sing.

TJ: They would probably spoil their girlfriends.

TCC: Would you.

TJ: Yeah and I wouldn't want to do that so...

Taj: Football match?

TJ: FOOTBALL MATCH!!!! Ye hey, now there you go.
3T on Fans

TCC: Do you feel a lot of pressure to be a certain way? To your fans, to act a certain way? Say you'd done billions and billions of interviews and then you did, say a record signing somewhere and you're just really fed up and just wanna go home. Do yo u feel, like a lot of pressure to be happy? Has anyone ever said, smile a bit. 'Cause they'd be watching you the whole time, won't they so..

Taj: I think they bring us happiness.

TCC: Yes.

Taj: Y'know seeing them, but there's consequences, like I'm sick right now, because I was outside...

TCC: Aaaah.

Taj: ...we all were but I just seem to have the lowest immune system.

TCC: You're so precious aren't you? But you do, you like being with them.

TJ: 3T have the best fans, yeah, they travel all over the world.

TCC: Do you think they're different, than fans of other bands?

TJ: Yeah I do.

TCC: Do you think that they have a different character, because obviously different people like different bands.

TJ: I don't know, we can't really compare with other groups but we've seen our uncle's fans and they're very loyal as well.

TCC: Do you think you have the same sort of fans as Micheal? Like the people who like Michael, do you think they like you too?

TJ: There are some.

Taj: There are some who like us and don't really care about our uncle and vice versa. There are people who like our uncle but don't really like us. y'know it depends. If they like our kind of music..

TCC: Then they like your kind of music. Have they ever gone to really great lengths to get near you?

Taj: Someone scaled a wall.

TCC: They did not! In the hotel?

TJ: Yeah, about three stories.

TCC: Three stories!

TJ: I would never have done that.

TCC: What for another band or to get to Taj.

TJ: It's too scary.

TCC: Did it worry you? Did you say anything to them, like 'Please don't do that'?

TJ: Well, she was already up the wall.

TCC: Spiderman!

TJ: Spiderwoman. Anyway the thing is, sometimes with the crowds it does get a little scary for the fans and we try to warn them. 'Watch out behind you'.

TCC: They don't think about it do they? They just see you and just go.

TJ: We try to look out for their safety as well.

TCC: And you chat to people on the internet don't you?

TJ: Uh-hu.

TCC: You've got a big fan base.

Taj: Yes.

TJ: We talk to a lot of fans on the internet.

TCC: Do you actually talk to them yourselves? They must love it. How do they know it's actually you though? Do they question you?

Taj: Well, when you meet them afterwards then they can confirm it was actually you, and you know their names and stuff.

TCC: You could tell them secrets and stuff.

Taj: It helps 'cause when we're in America, they tell us our chart position and stuff like that.

TCC: Oh really?

Taj: And the shows that we've been on.

TCC: That's good, you've got a little network.

Taj: Yeah, A little network of spies!
3T on Music

TCC: What do you think of british bands? Have you met lots of them?

TJ: They're very nice. We've met: Boyzone and MN8.

TCC: MN8 toured with Janet didn't they?

TJ: Yes. And East 17 we've met.

Taj: We've met Jamariqui. These aren't bands but..

TCC: You've met loads of people. Is there any of their music you particularly like?

Taryll: We like all types of music, we listen to everything. Spice Girls...

TCC: You like the Spice Girls, do you?

Taryll: Yeah

TCC: Do you know them?

Taryll: No. We've never met them.

Taj: We think they're hiding from us

TCC: You think so? I think they'd jump on you I expect.

Taj: They haven't met 3T though. We can be equally rowdy.

TCC: So you'd be an equal match. Maybe we'll see that one day: 3T and the Spice Girls. Now, when you're writing your music, your albums and stuff like that, who has the most imput?

Taryll: It depends on the song. Umm every body contributes, so it depends on the song.

TCC: What about Michael, does he help you a lot? 'Cause, you're on his record label aren't you?

Taryll: Well, he's trained us I guess. Prepared us, taught us how to song write. We didn't actually write with him on this album, but he's helped us in many ways.

TCC: Yeah, so really that's good. So who like writing songs the most? Taryll, are you the best songwriter or not? Not the best, I didn't mean to say the best, but are you the most dedicated?

Taj: I think he's the one who wants to do it for the rest of his life.

TCC: Really?

Taj: We all have other ambitions too.

TCC: What other ambitions do you have?

Taj: Well I wanna direct movies.

TCC: Do you? Well maybe I could act in one of your movies.

Taj: Well TJ wants to act too.

TCC: (To TJ) Do you? Well maybe we could co-star TJ. Do you wanna model as well?

Taryll: Give em' a scene TJ.

TCC: What did you say?

TJ: Well, I can perform a couple of scenes from the...

TCC: Can you.

Taj: Do the ..... part.

TCC: We'll save ourselves I think, it might be a bit too much. So your quite serious about acting then?

TJ: Yeah, I'm gonna start acting very soon.

TCC: You've got so much to do haven't you?

TJ: Yeah, I'm very busy but I like to work and I like to entertain.

3T on each other
TCC: You're together obviously a hell of a lot so you must know a great deal about each other, so I'm going to ask you some questions. I'm gonna do it one by one okay, so one of you has to covers your ears while the others talk about you basically. Ta j, you can put your hands over your ears first of all. What would you say were Taj's best and worst habits? He's listening anyway.

Taryll: Taj is slow.

TCC: Slow?

Taryll: Yes, he's very slow.

TCC: In what way?

Taryll: He just takes forever, forever, he's always making us late. He knows it, he can listen.

TCC: What would you say TJ, about Taj?

TJ: His worst habit?

TCC: Yes, and best.

TJ: He eats loud!

TCC: He eats loud?

TJ: Yes, too loud. But, hey he's enjoying his food, there's nothing wrong with that. His best habit? He can read anywhere.

TCC: He can read anywhere? Yes, actually I've read that you take books to baseball games and the movies. Is that true?

TJ: Yes that's right.

TCC: Is that because you don't like the movies?

Taj: No. There's that five minutes right before the movies starts when you can sneak a couple pages in.

TJ: He is serious! It's not a joke. But that's good.

TCC: That is good.

Taj: I have so much on that I don't have enough time to do it.

TCC: Right, what about TJ? What are his worst and best habits? Doesn't he like sleeping a lot?

Taryll: That's true but he's working on that though.

TJ: I've changed.

TCC: You've changed, have you?

Taryll: What is TJ's worst habit? TJ, you're starting the messy award. TJ's starting to be the slob of the group.

TCC: Oh is he?!

Taryll: Now this used to belong to Taj, but TJ's starting to get that award.

TCC: Oh dear!

Taryll: You should see the way this guy packs!

TCC: So, Taj is smartening up his image and TJ's getting slobbier.

Taryll: Yeah TJ is.

TCC: We should sort this out. I think you should send him some mail to sort him out. What about his best habits.

Taryll: There's nothing really good about TJ! Umm

TJ: There's a lot of good things about me. There's plenty!

Taryll: He has a lot of dreams.

Taryll: He's very ambitious. Lot's is good about this guy.

TCC: Very career minded, very business minded. OK,then Taryll. Your turn now.

Taryll: I know what they're gonna say.

TCC: What are they gonna say then.

TJ: Cover your ears.

Taj: Cover your ears or you're gonna hear a lot.

Taryll: Hey, wait, they didn't cover their ears.


TJ: Taj, you can start off.

Taj: Well, Taryll has a couple of qualities. He's definitely the crybaby of the group. Definitely the whiner, always complaining.

TJ: Always.

Taryll: I can listen now.

TJ: Cover your ears.

Taj: Always, always complaining, you know it gets annoying after a while.

TJ: It starts bothering me. Messing with my emotions.

TCC: Don't let it bother you.

TJ: I'm trying, it's a battle.

TCC: Does he get angry? He very emotional isn't he?

Taj; Yeah, very emotional. He likes to tease you a lot too.

Taryll: I don't know where all this is coming from.

Taj: This is his one defence let him...

TJ: Is he not supposed to here this is he?

Taryll: No, he's not.

Taj: He's not supposed to defend himself either.

TCC: No, you're not. They didn't defend them selves, they kept quiet. Keep going. What about good?

TJ: Good things? This is gonna be tough..... He likes to work.

TCC: He likes to work?

Taj and TJ: Yeah.

TJ: He likes to study too. I think we all like to work.

TCC: Yeah you do, you're very dedicated. Thank you very much for joining me today.

TJ: Thank You.

TCC: And good luck.
Here's another interview taken from Anything magazine
"For us, there always were only two ambitions", Taj - with 22 years the oldest of the brothers and the "spokesman" of 3T - grins. "To be either musicians or baseball-profis."

TJ and Taryll nod in agreement. In their villa in Hidden Hills, a distinguished district in the northwest of Los Angeles, you can see something Taryll is very proud of:

his framed baseball-shirt with the number 16. "In High School I was a real crack", Taryll remembers. But it's not only Taryll "Of course baseball is number one for all of us", says TJ.
"But right after comes basketball. And of course American Football - even if it's getting a little bit brutal sometimes." Once Taj personally tried this game. "Well, I must admit it was nothing for me", he declines. "All the others just have been much larger and stronger than I. There was no chance for me to get through... This game is really dangerous. You can hurt yourself very bad and quick."
Their gigantic garden around the villa is the perfect place for playing basketball. There even hangs a basket on the wall for practicing, far behind in the green paradise. A necessary item for the famous meetings of the Jacksons, because all family members like to play basketball. "Well, I have to tell you something...", Taj suddenly bursts out. "Once we were in the middle of a match as I noticed something was not right."
Taj looked down at himself and realized his pants hung between the knees. "Somehow my belt was ruined and I have lost my pants unnoticed. No need to tell you how much fun all the others had. Imagine me standing there in my underwear..."
Fortunately none of the boys has ever been hurt seriously in a match. "No more than blue spots", Taryll says. "The worst I can remember was a sprainned ankle. Afterwards my father had to stay with me for hours to cool my foot." Now TJ is grinning wide: "Exactly, and you complained all the time." Twenty-year-old Taryll hit his younger brother's side. "No, that's not true... just a little bit..." His ears get red.
"There is one thing we would never do", Taj says seriously. "Box. This is just too brutal and dangerous. I can't even watch them crack their fists into each other faces on TV." But when it comes to watch any other sport on TV they don't think twice. "We watch almost any kind of sport", TJ says. Then the whole family sits in front of TV, drinks milk shakes, eats cashew kernels and sandwiches while encouraging their favorites. "We don't care if it's the Superbowl, the Champions-League or everything concerning basketball or baseball - we party!", TJ laughs. By the way, seventeen-year-old TJ is one of the best baseball players at Buckley High-Club in Sherman Oaks. This season he's got chances to be chosen as a top crack. "We are very proud of our little brother", Taj means with an impudent grinning and immediately gets a push of his brother.
Unfortunately the trio got only little time for their sporting ambitions. "If we are not working on our music or traveling around the world we have to help in the household like every other kid." Taryll groans. "We have to prepare the table, clear the dishwasher and what else there is to do."

Everything except gardening. "That is the advantage of such a big estate", Taj says. "Instead of everyone doing a little bit here and there our dad Tito rather has hired a gardener. Now we just have to watch out for the flowers when we are playing basketball." Then they have to remove the damage or to confes

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